Keyser was born on July 30th, 1936. Possessing a competitive spirit and a passion for designing and building things, the teenage William Keyser entered the All-American Soap Box Dervy 5 yrs., the Fisher Craftsmen's Guild model car competition 4 yrs. (2nd National Junior Award, 1952) and the Buhl Planetarium (Pittsburgh, PA) School Science Fair 3 yrs. (Best of Show & five Industry Awards, 1953). In 1955, he discovered the book Contemporary Sculpture: An Evolution in Volume and Space by Carola Giedion-Welcker which "opened my eyes and changed my life."
Keyser was born on July 30th, 1936. Possessing a competitive spirit and a passion for designing and building things, the teenage William Keyser entered the All-American Soap Box Dervy 5 yrs., the Fisher Craftsmen's Guild model car competition 4 yrs. (2nd National Junior Award, 1952) and the Buhl Planetarium (Pittsburgh, PA) School Science Fair 3 yrs. (Best of Show & five Industry Awards, 1953). In 1955, he discovered the book Contemporary Sculpture: An Evolution in Volume and Space by Carola Giedion-Welcker which "opened my eyes and changed my life."
Extra Featured Materials
Additional images and other memorabilia from this decade.

Best In Show Award Announcement
Keyser won the Best In Show Award at the Buhl Planetarium School Science Fair in 1953.

Best In Show Award Announcement
Keyser won the Best In Show Award at the Buhl Planetarium School Science Fair in 1953.

Dravo Award Announcement
Keyser won the Dravo Award in Engineering in the Buhl Planetarium School Science Fair in 1952.

Scholarship Newspaper Announcement
Keyser won a $3000 scholarship in 1952 in the Fisher Body Craftsman's Guild competition.